Methylene blue attenuates mitochondrial dysfunction of rat kidney during experimental acute pancreatitis

Publication Year: 
Feb 10

Kuliaviene I, Baniene R, Virketyte S, Kincius M, Jansen E, Gulbinas A, Kupcinskas L, Trumbeckaite S, Borutaite V.



Disturbance of mitochondrial functions has been considered as one of the mechanisms of pathogenesis of acute pancreatitis followed by kidney failure. In this study, we investigated effects of methylene blue on pancreas and kidney mitochondrial respiratory functions during experimental acute pancreatitis in rats.


We induced acute pancreatitis by applying sodium taurocholate into pancreatic duct of male Wistar rats. There were three experimental groups: methylene blue group - methylene blue (5mg/kg) was injected intravenously 10 min prior to acute pancreatitis induction; control group - saline solution intravenously 10 min prior to acute pancreatitis induction; Sham group - isotonic sodium chlorine instead of sodium taurocholate. Animals were sacrificed after 24 hours. Pancreas and kidney were removed for mitochondrial assay by oxygraphic and spectrophotometric methods.


We found that intravenous injection of methylene blue (5 mg/kg) did not prevent pancreatitis-induced inhibition of pancreatic mitochondrial respiration, however MB significantly improved kidney mitochondrial respiratory functions with NADH-dependent substrates glutamate and malate. The activity of Complex I of mitochondria isolated from pancreatitis-damaged kidney was increased after pretreatment with methylene blue. However, there was no effect of methylene blue on pancreatitis-inhibited kidney mitochondrial respiration with succinate. Methylene blue had no protective effects on amylase activity as well as on urea content in serum from acute pancreatitis rats.


The disturbances of kidney mitochondrial energy metabolism in experimental model of severe acute pancreatitis can be ameliorated with methylene blue intravenous injection.

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