Effects of Cyanidin-3-O-glucoside on Synthetic and Metabolic Activity of Ethanol Stimulated Human Pancreatic Stellate Cells

Publication Year: 
Oct 1

Cesna V., Baniene R., Maziukiene A., Kmieliute K., Trumbeckaite S., Venclauskas L., Barauskas G., Gulbinas A.


Activated pancreatic stellate cells (PSC) play a major role in the development of chronic pancreatitis. Flavonoids (C-3-O-G) theoretically may have potential to suppress activated PSC. The aim of our study was to determine the ability of C-3-O-G to invert synthetic and metabolic activity of alcohol stimulated human pancreatic stellate cells (hPSC). In the present study we demonstrate that treatment with C-3-O-G decreased proliferation rate of ethanol activated hPSC by 51%. Synthesis of extracellular matrix proteins in activated hPSC was markedly inhibited, as shown by reduced levels of collagen I and fibronectin expression. The decrease of secretion of fibronectin by 33% and in collagen I-25% in ethanol activated and C-3-O-G treated hPSC was observed. Moreover, treatment of ethanol activated hPSC with C-3-O-G resulted in the decrease of oxygen consumption rate by 44% and reduced levels of ATP synthesis (i.e. energy production) by 41%. Hence, the effects of C-3-O-G on ethanol activated hPSC may provide new insights for the use of anthocyanins as anti-fibrogenic agents in treatment and/or prevention of pancreatic fibrosis.

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